From sourcing to delivery, we ensure that your products meet the highest quality standards as well as your exact requirements.

Secure your sourcing in Asia
We understand that trust is the driving force behind a lasting collaboration with your company. That’s why our sourcing service is built on a strong foundation of meticulous process quality and complete transparency.
Factory audit
Ensuring that the production chain meets the highest quality standards is an integral part of our mission. We conduct on-site visits to manufacturers' factories to assess their industrial equipment, manufacturing processes, and certifications. Our thorough approach helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, mitigate production risks, and ensure full compliance with technical and regulatory requirements to secure your supply chain.

Product inspection
Product inspections ensure that your requirements are met and help you avoid unexpected issues. With our presence in Asia, we can conduct thorough checks at every stage of production to detect potential non-conformities early, maintain consistent quality, and ensure that your products meet the required standards.
Inspection report sent within 24 hours
You will receive the inspection reports within 24 hours, featuring a detailed analysis including photos, measurements, and precise observations, enabling you to make informed decisions quickly and secure your purchases.
Inspection before production
Inspection during production and monitoring
Post production inspection before delivery
Act for sustainable sourcing
We support the selection of suppliers who adopt sustainable practices and share our commitment to the environment. Upon request, we can collaborate with your suppliers to implement actions aimed at reducing their carbon emissions and optimizing your Scope 3 emissions related to your purchases in Asia. Together, we can work to minimize environmental impact by promoting responsible practices, fostering long-term sustainability, thus creating a virtuous circle.